Accelerate Your Revenue Growth using Email, LinkedIn and Video

Our clients received replies from executive decision makers looking to advance engagements:

How we can help

  • Client Acquisition

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  • MVP Feedback / Survey

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  • Looking to Raise Capital

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  • Increase Connections

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  • Grow Channel & Sales

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  • Host Local Event

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  • Increase Social Influence

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  • Trigger Marketing

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How we can help

Client Acquisition

MVP Feedback / Survey

Looking to Raise Capital

Increase Business Connections

Grow Channel & Reseller Sales

Host Local Event or Webinar

Increase Social Influence

Trigger Marketing


Jay Tyler

CEO / Jay Tyler Consulting

Adam utilized his world class expert sales process via LinkedIn to get access to me. He created value and credibility with me instantly. I pushed back on him and he uncovered my business issues, demonstrated that his proven methodology would be effective. It was prescriptive, clear, and highly effective.

He continues to connect me and my clients to new contacts, companies and buying centers that we would have never done otherwise. I seriously consider Adam a trusted advisor and confidant in changing the conversation at the CXO level. He has a visible, predictable, and repeatable process that drives new engagement opportunities. I highly recommend his services.

LeadLaunch is a B2B client acquisition agency that works with successful business executives, consultants, and founders from around the world to help accelerate sales opportunities within their ideal client market.

Frequently Asked Questions

Exactly what do you offer and how do I benefit?

We provide business/client engagement opportunities. Our ideal client is C-level executives like CEO's, COO's, CIO's, co/founders, partners, consultants, and other key executives like VP's of Sales & Marketing to effectively drive new business/client engagement opportunities. We establish a segmented lead list based on your ideal client profile (ICP) that you approve. We then craft personalized messaging based on your ICP, increasing the prospect of connecting and engaging with you. Using LinkedIn and email, we strategically coordinate a month long cadence of messaging designed to establish rapport. Our processes are described in website above as to how we execute each step.

You would benefit from working with us because we've spent 1,000's of hours figuring out this whole process. Since time is money, the whole idea is to collapse time so not to invest all the time we've already invested to learn what we already to successfully drive new client engagements. Use our experience and proven results to focus on high pay-off activities like talking with motivated prospective clients who fit your ideal client profile so you can close more sales, gain feedback on your MVP so you can quickly bring your software to market, increase your 'who you know' of business connections, raise capital, or a host of other high pay-off activities you could be doing to help get you to your next level.

How does the Done-For-You Services program work?

Our Done-For-You Services is a monthly service. Although you should plan to commit to a minimum of 4 months to maximize your lead count (1 month to ramp & 3 months for client engagements), there is no monthly minimum contracts unlike most other companies. The first month of service incorporates: Initial Discovery Meeting to discuss 'ideal client profile' (ICP) and campaign objectives, specific examples of how your product/service solves your clients pain points, your most common value propositions, tangible case studies, (ex:saved 25% in the last 90 days, lowered our churn rate by 18%, etc), data collection, email verification/validation, writing of both LinkedIn and email sequencing. Once setup is completed, we launch.

We handle your entire process from setting up a new and separate email address to ensure the integrity of your current email, to obtaining your initial list of targeted leads that you approve, to sending out messaging via LinkedIn and email to both new leads and those that are in the middle of their campaign. Each prospective client will be part of a 8-10 message campaign using both LinkedIn and email. We manage the entire process. When they reply, we notify/forward them directly to you where you pick up the conversation from there. You will be kept up to date via a live shared Google Sheet in which you'll know the status of all your leads at any given time.


What results can I expect?

Once your campaign is launched, you should begin to receive responses within a week or two. The longer the campaign, the better results. Why? Since we're looking to connect with busy executives, many may not reply until several weeks into the cycle after they've received message 6, 7, or 8. Quite frankly, these are some of your best leads as they've had more time to review your messaging, your LinkedIn Profile and website. As such, when they reach out, many have done some due diligence on you creating a more engaged buyer. So, once your campaign starts, it typically takes about 90 days to get to peak performance as many prospects are replying in 'later stages' of the campaign. We're also performing A/B split testing as needed.

As far as how many leads can one expect? No one wants to hear this, but it's all subjective. What is your objective? Client acquisition, feedback/survey, are you looking to increase your professional base? Maybe you're looking for angel investors? What verticals are you selling into? How attractive is your LinkedIn Profile, your website, social media presence, and shared social proof (case studies)? This all creates credibility working for or against you as we are asking prospective clients to connect with you. As for your messaging...are you leading with more of a soft approach of sharing information or more of a direct approach? As you can quickly see, it all depends on a host of influencing factors.

With that said, in general, about 30%-50% (avg 40%) of those we request to connect with on LinkedIn accept our request. Same stats for email, about 40% open their emails. From there, depending on the above mentioned issues, you can expect between 5% - 15% reply to you and from there about 1/2 of them you would look to formally connect with. So, as example, with an initial list of 1,000 targeted leads within your ideal client profile, about 400 would accept your connection request. Of these 400 prospective clients, 20-60 of them would engage with you messaging and reply to you, positive or negative. Figure about 1/2 (10-30) of them will be open to speak with you. There's an art to the follow up in which we would go over in detail that helps dramatically increase your odds of scheduling a phone appointment.

For legal purposes, I have to say that the above example does not represent a guarantee of results, nor are is it implied that you will receive such results. As stated prior, there are too many subjective forces at work to predict ones results.


What helps to create successful results?

As you read above, there are a host of mitigating factors that directly attribute to the success of a campaign. Examples include:

Your LinkedIn Profile. You should have a 'client-centric' profile that emotionally engages your contact in terms of what's important to them! How do your value propositions solve their pain points? What value or insight can you share to help them today? Did you share case studies or any social proof to increase your credibility and improve the prospect of them connecting with you? We set this up for you.

Your Website. To the degree you have a website that is modern and relevant is to the degree that more of your would be clients will connect with you. You may say that's not fair or that it's out of your control, or a host of other reasons. Nevertheless, people want to do business with people who are perceived as relevant, current, 'in the know'. They want to deal with leaders in their field. This is just the way it is.

The only way people can judge you prior to speaking with you is through your LinkedIn Profile and website. If these two items are sub-par, in general, so will your results be. If you have a website that looks 'old and tired', your blog posts haven't been updated in the last year, than they're going to conclude this is how you do business...even if it's not true. At this level, perception sells. When you get on the phone, it now shifts to them judging you by how and what you say. Until then, it'll all be on your digital presence. So, to maximize your engagements, it's vital your website reflects a professional and modern look. This is extremely important.

Ideal Client Profile and Message. Segmentation is key to your success. Your goal is to target a specific lead base with a specific message that you know will emotionally connect and motivate them to take action. The more general your lead base and message is, the less success of your campaign. Example: If your lead base is CXO's (CEO,COO,CFO), chose one title like CEO, not all of them. Choose CTO, not CIO. Each title incorporates a different job description and with it different pain points.

The more you understand your ideal client (their pain points & challenges) and what makes them tick, the more likely your message will better resonate with them. The more likely your message speaks to their concerns, is brief and blunt, gives an example of social proof, the more they'll feel like you understand them and you've worked with others just like them. This will motivate them to want to connect and engage with you. It's a chain of events that takes place in the blink of an eye, however in this example, it all starts with choosing a very specific group of individuals with a very specific message to produce a very specific outcome...a reply.

Long Term Approach. If one is merely thinking they're going to start a campaign looking to close a deal next week, or next month for that matter, think again. Said bluntly, this is an ineffective use of your time, money, and mental resources. New business development is synonymous with the successful growth of companies, consultants, and executives alike. Rarely will you find leaders responsible for charting the growth of their company, staff, and shareholders returns who are constantly starting and stopping the momentum of their business growth initiatives.

The enterprise of business engagements is a never-ending endeavor for those motivated to grow. As Michael Jordan once famously said, "You'll miss 100% of the shots you don't take." You've got to be in the game! You have to move forward, analyze what works, what doesn't, and why. It also helps to be true to yourself by setting realistic expectations...of budget needs, results, sales cycle, closing & fall out ratio, etc.

To the degree you have a long term focus, realistic expectations, and willingness to invest your time, money, mental engagement is to degree you will succeed.


What kind of support do you offer?

Through this process, consider us your partner. Literally. It's in our best interest to ensure your campaign is a success! With that said, it's important you understand upfront, communication and proper expectation is paramount to a successful campaign.

With that said, we will be meeting for the first month over phone and screen shared ( meeting 2-3 times for several hours during our first month prior to launch. To the degree you fully participate is to the degree you will achieve success. As Jerry McGuire famously said, "Help me to help you."

Our first scheduled meeting will be our Campaign Discovery Meeting. Together we will outline campaign goals, identify your ideal targeted prospects, and gather preliminary data and sales/marketing assets. This meeting will last 1-2 hours.

Next will be our Campaign Strategy Meeting. Here we will discuss how your product/service solves your clients pain points, social proof examples, any eminent unforeseen risks or changes you're aware of that your product/service can solve unbeknownst to your client. In general, what makes you the leader or at least a respected competitor in your field that would motivate your client to work with you? This meeting will last 1-2 hours.

And of course, Monthly Campaign Reporting. Once a month, we'll connect to analyze prior months results and seek to learn what has worked and where we can improve. This meeting will last between 30 min - 1 hour.

Lastly, you will be hearing from me on average every day to every other day via email when leads are sent to you. If you ever have any questions, concerns, or issues in any manner, I'm always available. You may have to schedule our time, but, rest assured, I'm here to answer your questions. My goal is your success. Period! I know this: if you embrace 'two-way communication', a long-term strategic partnership business approach, professionally and promptly follow up with all your inbound leads, you will have success.


Who do we work best with?

We work best with C-level executives like CEO's, COO's, CIO's, co/founders, partners, consultants, and other key executives like VP's of Sales & Marketing to effectively drive new business and/or client engagement opportunities.

While we do not limit who we work with based on industry type, with that said, many of our clients have been in technology, computer hardware, software & networking, business consulting, and enterprise level recruiting. Average deal size ranges from $25K-$100K on the low side to $250K-$1M+ on the higher side with 15-30 units/year in closings per sales development executive.

A punch list of sorts in whom we work best with could be summarized as follows:

  • You value strategic partnerships and long term business relationships. You understand creating successful client engagement opportunities, and ultimately paid clients, is a journey, not a sprint.
  • Your digital presence including your website, social media/blog (if you have SM), and sales collateral reflects a modern look and professional image
  • You have documented social proof/case studies that support positive client results. Preferably, well known companies. Possibly, you've been recognized as a leader in your field or won awards.

  • You can list your client's pain points and how your product/service can solve their obstacles. Even better, you have insight, maybe an unseen risk or upcoming change, that your prospective client should be made aware of.

  • You sell high-ticket items or a complex product/service that requires building a relationship with key decision makers.

Are there any guarantees? If so, what are they?

Our goal is your success. Period! The guarantee for our B2B Client/Business Engagement Opportunity services is simple. Upon your desire to engage our services, you will receive a well-documented Statement of Work (SOW) laying out precisely what we will do for you. Our guarantee is that we will execute your campaign as is stated in writing. Guaranteed. Some of these tasks that we guarantee we'll do for you is:

Discovery Meeting: Campaign Goals/Ideal Client Profile Overview: Meet with you to review your campaign goals as to exactly what you're looking to accomplish. In addition, review your ideal client profile in detail including pain points, value propositions, social proof.

Client-Centric LinkedIn Profile. You have one chance to make a great first impression. What do you want them to see? How do you want to be perceived? Are you talking more about you and your accomplishments, stats, and track record or is your messaging written to speak to your prospective client and their needs? You have about 10 seconds to connect with them before they're gone.

From the moment they show up on your profile, they're instantly analyzing whether or not talking with you will be worth their time. This can only be accomplished by talking with them in terms of what matters to them. What will motivate them is to make it all about them! Everything else is just a waste of digital space.

When we're done creating your Client-Centric LinkedIn Profile, it will speak directly to your targeted market. It will answer their question, "How can you help me?" It will show them your trustworthy, credible, experienced, authentic, and approachable helping them to feel comfortable in reaching out to connect and engage with you.

We will work with you to create a client-centric profile which incorporates:

  • Making sure your background banner looks professional
    Review your picture, recommend changes if needed, and update accordingly

  • Create client-centric headline that speaks to your targeted audience as to how you can help solve their pain points
  • Ensure your contact info and settings are correctly set up

  • Review and modify your Summary Page so it speaks to your prospective client positioning you as someone who understands their pain points and how your value propositions can help solve their issues.

  • Add reich media like videos, pdf's, etc if you don't already have them

  • Give you a 1-page 'case-study template' to complete for 3-4 of your previous clients and then we'll upload them to your Projects Section and write client-centric headlines that will motivate your contact to engage.

  • Work with you to make sure all your applicable Profile sections are completed such as: Honors/Awards, Organizations, Volunteer & Causes, Courses, Publications

  • Discuss importance of recommendations and how to increase how many you have if you don't have them

  • Review skill set and how to increase those that rate you in your skills. Will rearrange your skill sets in best order for your needs

Leads. Based on our conversation of targeting specific contacts, we will pull an Advanced Search on LinkedIn and present you the list for your approval. I will then export data from LinkedIn and run an email search for each lead and verify each email to minimize our bounce rate.

Messaging. We will draft copy for both your LinkedIn and email sequences based on your campaign goals and your ideal client profiles to ensure they engage and connect with you.

Campaign Management. We will manage your inbound and outbound LinkedIn and email lead activities. Each day, new leads are sent out on your behalf in addition to leads that are in the middle of the sequence. This daily activity is monitored via a live Google Sheets you have access to.

You are notified of prospective clients that reply to you via LinkedIn and email. Those that reply via LinkedIn, you will receive a message via text or email, your choice. Those that reply via email, you will receive their reply forwarded to you.

What makes you different than everybody else?

My background is in running businesses and working with the professional community for years. I was in mortgage banking for 18 years and ran my own mortgage bank prior to the financial market tanking in which our line of credit with Lehman Bros and Goldman Sachs was shut down when the secondary market collapsed. During those years, I was in contact with senior executives day in and day out. I 'get executives'. I speak their language. After that, I was in the insurance business in charge of business development, specifically channel sales connecting with C-level executives in the SaaS space. I loved it!

What does this have to do with anything? Writing your message to connect with CEO's, COO's, partners, founders, ex-Deloitte or Accenture consultants who've started their own consultancy practice, entrepreneurs, and alike takes someone whose 'been there done that'.

I run my business in such a way. I know who you're trying to connect with. I know what questions to ask you to draw out your clients pain points, unseen risks, upcoming changes, etc. so to write your messaging campaign that motives your prospective clients to connect and engage with you. You'll enjoy working with me because you're business minded and so am I.

I'll treat you like a partner and tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Meaning, I'll always give you the facts...the truth. If we work together, I consider it my role to drive business to you and your organization. I will add value to you above and beyond merely 'lead generation' services. If you enjoy working with someone who acts in a professional manner as described above, truly enjoys helping others be their best, is authentic in his approach, than let's get started!


Ken Ferderer

Managing Partner / Innovacient-Strategic Advisors

Adam and his team had our campaign dialed-in and targeting prospects that fit our exact sales profile within three days. Two weeks into this campaign we're now averaging 10+ meetings a week with highly qualified C-level executives that want to hear more about our services.

Although initially skeptical, I can tell you without reservation, he and his team know exactly what they're doing and will help you get new business. Bottom line: If you're looking for new clients, I strongly recommend his services.

We're serious about creating business engagement opportunities for you.


Sean Barker

CEO / CloudEQ

It's been a great experience over the last several months in working with Adam - phenomenal training, leadership and instruction! I really appreciate his highly personal approach he employs.

We've had a visible increase in daily engagements and more importantly, achieved an 30%+ uptick in appointments and ultimately, potential clients. I can’t say enough good things about Adam Vine. He’s been responsive, insightful and has worked with a sense of urgency to address our needs. I highly recommend his services.